Hypersonic Tech Solution Provide CAD/CAM/CAE Services for Design & Development, Modeling & Drafting, Detailed Engineering and Pant layout. The smart factory is a flexible system that can self-optimize performance across a broader network, self-adapt to and learn from new conditions in real or near-real time, and autonomously run entire production processes.
The concept of adopting and implementing a smart factory solution can feel complicated, even insurmountable. However, rapid technology changes and trends have made the shift toward a more flexible, adaptive production system almost an imperative for manufacturers who wish to either remain competitive or disrupt their competition. By thinking big and considering the possibilities, starting small with manageable components, and scaling quickly to grow the operations, the promise and benefits of the smart factory can be realized.
We define and describe the concept of the smart factory:
• How the smart factory can drive value and its other benefits.
• What it is, its key features, and the trends that have contributed to its rise
• The components and technologies that comprise the smart factory, and how it fits within the digital supply network
• Ways organizations can begin building and enacting a true, holistic smart factory
